Ben Vane - Hike Report

Ben Vane - Hike Report

Ben Vane - Hike Report

Elliot Forbes

OS Route Map: Link
Munro Number: 19
Date: Aug 4 2023
Ascent: 959m
Distance: 13.79km
Moving Time: 4:27:12
Total Time: 6:01:57

Route Elevation Profile

It was an early start on a fine August day and today’s adventure was focused on bagging Ben Vane. This is a Munro that’s fairly close to our home in Glasgow and it’s one we’re always driving past and seeing fellow hikers tackle when venturing further North.

Well, today was our turn to try and conquer it and bag our 19th out of 282 Munros together!

We parked up at Inveruglas Pier where hikers can pay for parking for the day if you’re arriving by car.

YouTube Video:

From there, the path comes back down the A82, past the Sloy Hydro-Electric Power station and follow the path for roughly 1km before you turn right onto a tarmac road that has a gate for walkers to pass through on the left-hand side.

The walk in offers stunning views

The walk in offers stunning views

Looking up at the slopes of Ben Vane

Looking up at the slopes of Ben Vane

We followed the WalkHighlands directions and eventually got to the turn-off point which leads up and to the right of the road. You can just about see the path on the right-hand side of the next image.

Looking upwards at A' Chrois

Looking upwards at A' Chrois

As we climbed higher, the views back down from the path were fantastic. We were fortunate enough to get brilliant weather for the full day.

The view of the route back down to the car

The view of the route back down to the car

The damn that was featured in Outlander Season 7!

The damn that was featured in Outlander Season 7!

Looking down at Loch Sloy from near the summit

Looking down at Loch Sloy from near the summit

A' Chrois with Loch Lomond in the background

A' Chrois with Loch Lomond in the background

The higher up you get, the more impressive the view!

The higher up you get, the more impressive the view!

A quick snap looking down at the three lochs from the summit cairn!

A quick snap looking down at the three lochs from the summit cairn!

munros scottish hiking munro bagging