Stob Dubh and Stob Coire Raineach - Hike Report
Munro Number: | 12 |
Date: | Mar 05 2022 |
Ascent: | 709m |
Distance: | 13.16km |
Moving Time: | 3:40:09 |
Total Time: | 6:14:03 |
GPX File: | Download |
Route Map
One of our first failed munros! We had planned to do both Stob Dubh and Stob Coire Raineach, however, both mountains still had their wintery coat on. This was prior to us doing any formal winter munro training and I had fairly slippy boots on with no form of crampons.
This ultimately made it impossible to get up the steep final climb to the summit of Stob Dubh. We did however make it to the summit of Stob Coire Raineach, which had a less snow-capped path to the top.
Stage 1
We managed to blag a car parking space at the tiny 3-car overflow carpark just down from the main carpark at the start of this hike. This in itself can be a bit of a challenge trying to reverse into a fairly small space that drops off very quickly into a river. Make sure the handbrake is on and the car is in gear before you leave the car!
Stage 2
The path up to the bealach between the two munros is fairly well defined and easy to follow. It is fairly steep, but eventually the path levels out and you have the option of heading right to tackle Stob Dubh or left to tackle Stob Coire Raineach depending on what you want to tackle first.
Stob Dubh is the higher of the two and is the one we attempted first.